Argentina ready to default Argentina ready to default Reading the news from some South East Asian countries recently, it became clear that many of the traders in countries like Singapore, […]

The Omega Times
Argentina ready to default Argentina ready to default Reading the news from some South East Asian countries recently, it became clear that many of the traders in countries like Singapore, […]
Tony Blair looks forward to a New World Order Tony Blair looks forward to a New World Order What’s happening to Tony Blair? That fine young man with a bright […]
Muslin kids can pray Muslin kids can pray An article taken from tells us: “That anti-religion bastion of political correctness, the New York City public school system, has quietly […]
Bin Laden song parody Bin Laden song parody In the Christchurch Press, 17 November 2001, we read the following: ‘A patriotism-fuelled parody song written by a Las Vegas radio team […]
A Beatles final agony A Beatles final agony George Harrison The newspapers on Sunday, 2 December 2001 were full of information regarding the death of George Harrison, one of the […]
Davos meeting for New York Davos meeting for New York Statue of Liberty Some years ago after a trip to Israel, our tour party was blessed to tour Switzerland and […]
George Dubya uses the ‘P’ word George Dubya uses the ‘P’ word George W Bush speaks to the UN How do these men get the jobs that they are in? […]
Did you know… Did you know… that the United States is pulling out of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty with Russia in hopes of building the world’s first shield against nuclear […]
Letters to the Editor Letters to the Editor Dear Ed “…I have lots of tapes and books on the end times (not all agreeing I might add), but recently heard […]
From the Editor From the Editor Dear Friends I wish you the very best of God’s blessings over this season. It’s a great time of the year for many of […]