James Madison wrote in Federalist 51: What is government itself but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels […]

The Omega Times
James Madison wrote in Federalist 51: What is government itself but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels […]
Tragically, Tesla died penniless without acclaim and when he was found his entire records had been stolen along with all of his designs and drawings. They had mysteriously disappeared and […]
(NOTE: Thanks to all of you who helped send a truckload of bread to Harlem. Watch! This.) Some of the most intolerant people I have ever met are the ones […]
Coach Dave Daubenmire, founder and President of Pass The Salt Ministries www.ptsalt.com and Minutemen United www.minutemenunited.org, is host of the high octane Pass The Salt radio show heard in Columbus, Ohio. In 1999 Coach Daubenmire was sued by the ACLU for praying with his teams while coaching high school in Ohio. He now spends his energy fighting for Christian principles in the public domain.
“I see conflict in the church in America between Ishmael and Isaac. Many churches and congregations in this land being birthed in the flesh. Others receiving a make over into […]
Dale and his wife Jean have been married for 52 years and have been in full time ministry since 1967. Dale served as a senior pastor for twenty-two years and since 1985 has served as a prophetic voice to leading churches across America and many nations of the world. He continues to mobilize Christians to pray for another spiritual awakening in America.
Humanity today has no idea or concept of what is going on in the halls of governmental planning around the globe, I travel all over the planet and on my […]
Forget a chip in your forehead – the ‘mark of the beast’ is the cell phone The development of a new microchip for cell phones that knows the user’s location […]
By: IZAKOVIC CASTLE GANDOLFO Castle Gandolfo, a small town with barely thousand inhabitants about ten kilometers south from Rome’s airport Fiumicino, is mostly known as Pope’s summer residence. It’s 16th […]
It doesn’t take a brain to realize that the world as we know it is in a state of tremendous change, everything we have ever believed and concluded about life […]
These two words above too easily spoken, representing a covenant but too easily broken. I do not want to get into a doctrinal argument here as to what is right […]
The vast chasm between what is the official version and the untold hidden version of the story of flight 370 is so immensely different it presents the opportunity to steer […]