This work has been put together to dispel erroneous ideas in circulation, to help provide an understanding between science and creation and give people a better understanding on how God […]
The Omega Times
This work has been put together to dispel erroneous ideas in circulation, to help provide an understanding between science and creation and give people a better understanding on how God […]
How far have we really come as a people ? It is 2017 almost 18, we have mobile phones that we can watch television on, we have cars that can […]
Also known as: Holistic movement, Humanistic Psychology, Age of Aquarius, Aquarian Conspiracy and Human Potential Movement. The New Age Movement (NAM) is an order being established which meets all the […]
Introduction We are living in some of the most critical days in History with an increasing onslaught of the ‘works of the darkness/evil’ and the climaxing of an age – […]
Personal interest in helping people determine their vision (purpose), reach their goals, maximise their potential, and develop their Christian walk both within their professional and personal life brought about the forming of Our fathershouse. Founder Trevor Davis, has given his life to building the Local Church, equipping, training, developing and encourage people to maximise their potential through personal development and teaching the Word of God.
Founder and history: – Joseph Smith, Junior – born 23rd of December 1805 in Sharon, Vermont, USA. At the age of 11 years, the family settled in Palmyra, New York […]
A prophet is divinely inspired to communicate and confirm Gods will to his people and to disclose their future direction, agenda, motivation or intent to them, prophets should only be […]