Islam - the word means 'peace'
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Francis Fukuyama |
"The very word Islam means peace. How can any Muslim get up
and kill and still call himself a Muslim?" According to a leading Muslim in
the UK, Iman of London, Ataul Mujeeb Rashed, "Islam is about peace, not
violence and the question of terrorism is not really something special to Islam..."
End Quote
I assume from the article about Mr Rashed in the Western
Morning News, 7 March 2002, that he is sincere about his statements. The
problem being that Islam is only interested in peace for adherents of Islam. Because
of the clear teachings of the Muslim standard - the Koran - if you are a Jew or
are committed to Jesus, as a Christian, the only peace you're likely to
experience will be in death.
The argument about varying degree's of adherence to
doctrine is a similar issue to the one Christians face when discussing what
a Christian looks like. Clearly in both camps there is variance in
expression. In both camps some adherents denounce others as being fake or
insincere, in preference of course to their own standard of holiness or piety.
Some people take instruction from their respective Holy books more literally
than others, becoming more deliberate or even extreme in their expression of
what they believe they have been instructed to do to remain obedient.
Where the two faiths are rather different, is that Jesus
Christ taught us to love one another as He Himself loved us, giving His
life to prove it -– "by this all men will know that you are my disciples..."
A Christian has free will to choose to follow Jesus in this lifestyle. Islam is
not based on love -– nor is there freewill! The motivation is fear and hatred
of those who do not follow the doctrine, and there is no freedom to choose. In
this way, radical Muslims will put to death those Muslims deemed uncommitted or
slack. (In a day to come, we may see the same internal persecution occurring
within the Christian faith -– certainly the seeds of such a crusade
exist now).
The Press, 12 August 2002, "An angle on radical
Islamism -–
...What motivates these radicals and their sympathisers?
Francis Fukuyama (renowned American political economist) says it has little to
do with frustration at not sharing the economic benefits of globalisation, as
some have suggested.
He accepts poverty and economic stagnation as among the root
causes of Islamic radicalism in the 80s and 90s, but says Muslim governments
bear a heavy responsibility for this. Corrupt and authoritarian regimes,
particularly those in the Arab world, have missed opportunities for economic and
political reform, and failed to open their countries to the global economy.
However, Fukuyama insists the anger felt by radical Muslims
'is not the result of any kind of absolute poverty'.
'If that were the case you'd get all the terrorists from
sub-Saharan Africa, where you really have the poorest countries.'
He argues instead that the phenomenon of radical Islamism is
very comparable sociologically to European fascism. According to Fukuyama, the
same factors behind the rise of fascism in early 20th century Europe
can be observed in the emergence of what he terms 'Islamo-fascism'.
In a recent article he points out that the Islamic world has,
in the past generation, seen large populations uprooted from traditional village
or tribal life.
In the process of urbanisation, Fukuyama argues, many Muslims
have been exposed to 'a more literary form of Islam that calls them back to a
purer version of the religion, just as extremist German nationalism tried to
resurrect a mythical, long-dead racial identity'.
He claims this new variant of radical Islam appeals strongly
to many Muslims because, 'it purports to explain the loss of values and
cultural disorientation that the modernisation process itself has engendered'...
Exploring the similarities between Islamo-fascism and its
European antecedent, I mention the anger felt by Germans at the harsh peace
imposed by the Allies following World War 1...
But stressing 'the particularly nihilistic philosophy' of
bin Laden, Fukuyama rejects the notion that the Saudi-born radical is just upset
at US foreign policy mistakes.
'Bin Laden represents a doctrine that is fundamentally
anti-modern. A society that separates religion from politics, a society that
permits a great deal of individual freedom -– he doesn't like any of that.'
So resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, ending the US
military presence in Saudi Arabia, and pressure on Iraq would not be enough for
al-Qaeda's leader?
'No, I doubt it would be.'
Wouldn't bin Laden then lose the support of Muslims for his
jihad against America?
He would lose some support, Fukuyama concedes. But it wouldn't
'And furthermore, you could get out of the Persian Gulf in
the way bin Laden wants if you could get rid of the Iraqi problem, which the
(US) administration is intent on doing.
'But there is absolutely no way you could deal with the
Palestine situation that would satisfy him, other than Basically getting rid of
Arguing that many people have had grievances regarding
American foreign policy, Fukuyama suggests Muslims in some Middle Eastern
countries have allowed theirs to serve as an excuse for failing to improve their
Asian nations such as post-World War 2 Japan had a lot of
grievances as well, he says. 'But after their defeats, they picked themselves
up and said 'OK. We can't defeat this system; we have to figure our what to
do to take advantage of it and to get on the train'.'
It's a train Fukuyama is convinced most Muslims actually
want to catch, including many who have tired of the 'stifling dictatorships'
of Iran and Afghanistan..." End Quote
In every people group, the culture (the behaviour considered
normal and acceptable within the people group) is created - starting at the top.
When Jesus laid down His life for His friends He set the standard for the
culture of Christianity! We are not perfect, but have the opportunity to choose
to follow the example set by our Master...we know that there will be a final
judgement of our choices.
Islam has a different culture which also starts at the top.
Read the Koran, visit the Muslim nations, keep an eye on the fruit of this
culture. Watch as prophecy is fulfilled, as the radical Islamic world attacks
Israel. Watch as America is targeted and sustains violent attacks -– to the
extent that the focus on US support of Israel is shifted home...
Then, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob -– the God of
Israel will fight for Himself.
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