Letters To The Editor

Dear Editor - Greetings in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ.
Look at this scripture - (Psalm 37:4) "Delight yourself also in
the LORD and He shall give you the desires of your heart."
How do you delight yourself in the LORD? Read Isaiah 58:13-14 to
find out. Read also Job 22:22 & Job 22:26. The attachment is an
introductory study for people. If you need more information, a
complete study can be sent to you if you contact me. God bless
you. (abridged – attachment with original)
Brother Roy Page
The Scripture in Isaiah speaks only of "delighting
yourself" and does not mention, as Psalm 37, does, "giving you
the desires of your heart". The linking of these two is out of
context and therefore is not good hermeneutics. Sabbath keeping
is under the Law. New Testament believers should follow the
example of the Disciples, who after all, were taught and trained
by Jesus to take the full Gospel, including all its doctrines and
tenets, to the entire world. Paul made it a practice to preach in
the Jewish synagogues on the Sabbath day to fulfil the Great
Commission (to the Jew first, then the Greek). We later see Paul
keeping the "First day of the week (Sunday)" and speaking about
it in Acts 20:7 and 1 Corinthians 16:2. The law was superseded by
the dispensation of Grace. Once a believer knows what Covenant he
is under, it settles the issue of the day of worship. God spoke
through Hosea that He would cause their Feast days and Sabbaths
to cease.(Hosea 2:11). This He did at the Cross when Christ
fulfilled them as a passing shadow. God bless you also.
Dear Editor - Thank you so much for your magazines. It is not
only frightening but exciting. It needs to be shouted from the
roof tops!! I was amazed by the latest article on Confronting the
Cults and (those Christian) leaders. I have read their books and
listened to them and watched them on TV. This has really shaken
me as their background info is bizarre!! You just never know eh?
Keep up the great work and thank you for opening my eyes to these
things!! I have just ordered your Volume 1 as I’m on a
"need to know everything" basis!! Kind regards and blessings to
all at Omega Times doing this work. Its interesting to see that
Barry Smith’s books written so long ago coming to pass
TODAY. Thanks again!!
Virginia Berggren

Whilst I have no idea of the running costs of a web site I
would still like to make a suggestion. I understand that you guys
probably run on a very tight budget with this endeavour and I
believe you do a fantastic job of it.
Whilst the web site is great though, I don’t really have
that much use for it as I have all of the magazines and the web
site offers nothing more than what I have already. I have every
magazine right next to my bed or kitchen table so prior reference
is never far away. I do think though if you added a Forum to your
website you would be adding a reason for those of us who do
subscribe to your magazine a place where we can get together and
nut a few things out at the same time giving those people who
browse (via general searching) to your page an insight into what
your magazine is about without having to subscribe but arousing
enough curiosity to do so. I’m not a marketer so I’m
only thinking this may work.
Maybe an email to all subscribers gauging interest and hence
its associated cost on top of yearly fees would be a great idea.
Servant of Jesus.
Greg Dowling
Check out Page 6 in this issue! Editor
Dear Sir – It disturbed me to see another attack on Rick
Warren’s ministry in the Omega Times. I believe that the
"Purpose driven Life" study book he wrote, is a God-given timely
reminder to all of us who proclaim we are Christians, regularly
at Church or otherwise, compromisers and backsliders, that it is
time to consider our ways. Only the blind could have read the
"Purpose Driven Life" and missed its reminder of our Lord and
Saviour’s agonizing struggle, as He allowed Himself to be
nailed to the Cross to die in our place, and missed the gospel
message of our need to receive Him and His forgiveness of our
sins. We must be careful how we judge another’s ministry.
The judge is watching.(abridged – Ed)
J. Blundell
The "Newsbrief" you mention, we reproduced without comment
from Christian Media Daily. In the light of your letter, we
probably should have held the article, or shared some facts. What
is missing from Warren’s book is a message of contrition
and true repentance. He freely admits he never preaches against
homosexuality or abortion.
His book seems innocuous enough, but a discerning look proves
otherwise. On Pg 104, he says "Try praising God without using the
words "praise, hallelujah, thanks or amen." Why substitute the
words satan hates so much. Pg 267 Warren says – "God uses
money to test your faithfulness as a servant." Positively false!
On Pg 325 he says –"No matter how wonderful a translation
is – it has limitations." If he is saying there is no one
true Word of God, that’s blasphemous! Using 15 translations
allows one to interpret anything they want their way. I could go
on and detail more, but I will share one final thing. We
personally know of many churches in Malaysia who have signed a
COVENANT agreement with this man, promising they will use only
Warren’s sermons for the next 2 years which he emails them
weekly. What happened to a Pastor waiting for God’s
specific message for his flock? Itinerant ministries are no
longer welcome, leaving no 5 fold ministry available to perfect
the saints. This is unacceptable control of a local church.
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