
This issue marks the beginning of the third year of the new
Omega Times. We rejoice and celebrate that the Lord is good and
His mercies endure forever. It seems hard to believe that two
years have gone by since the transition from Andrew Smith’s
stewardship took place and we assumed responsibility to continue
the ministry that Barry Smith began many years ago. The
fulfilment of Bible Prophecy is usually a very slow moving
affair, but these last two years have seen more happening toward
prophetic fulfilment of End Time prophecy than we have seen in
the recent past.
THE OMEGA TIMES is a bi-monthly,
full colour magazine, sold by subscription
and through selected retail outlets,
which looks at world events in the
light of Bible prophecy, and promotes
Bible truth. We seek to draw comment
from reliable sources, but absolute
accuracy (apart from Bible Scripture)
cannot be guaranteed. Articles which
are not written by the publishers of
Omega Times do not necessarily
reflect the views of the Omega Times.
Editor: Allan Rasmussen
Publisher: The Reflections Trust
& The Hay Family Trust
Mail: PO Box 1174, Capalaba, Queensland 4157, Australia
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +61 7 3245 1026
Website: www.omegatimes.com
Design: Sharryn Rasmussen
At the forefront of these signs are the most insistent attacks
on the structure and the purity of the Church we have ever seen.
The Bible is hardly ever opened in so many churches today. Now we
have a short mantra of psychology and success motivation taking
the place of solid, Bible based sermons that brought conviction
into the hearts of those who were separated from God. When there
is little salt and light, the ground is ripe for deception and
apostasy. How we need to pray for revival.
On another note, we thank the very large number of people who
are resubscribing and adding donations to the amount. Two
editorials ago, I mentioned our shaky financial position, and
your letters, emails and donations have given us great
Finally, we wish to apologise for the extremely late delivery
of the magazine over the last two issues. The delays took place
offshore and we have been doing all we can to remedy them. We
have been working hard to bring about delivery consistency once
again, as the alternative of printing in Australia will put our
subscription up an unacceptable $15, which is not a happy
prospect. -Editor
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