From the Editor

It seems that the seminal Bob Dylan song “The Times They
Are a- Changin” is becoming more prophetic month by month
as we see a world today which is so different from 10 years ago,
and unrecognisable from that of 40 years ago. This change is
shown by the subject matter in this issue such as “Global
Warming, Global Warning”,& “Pornography”,
which would not have been written years ago.
THE OMEGA TIMES is a bi-monthly,
full colour magazine, sold by subscription
and through selected retail outlets,
which looks at world events in the
light of Bible prophecy, and promotes
Bible truth. We seek to draw comment
from reliable sources, but absolute
accuracy (apart from Bible Scripture)
cannot be guaranteed. Articles which
are not written by the publishers of
Omega Times do not necessarily
reflect the views of the Omega Times.
Editor: Allan Rasmussen
Publisher: The Reflections Trust
& The Hay Family Trust
Mail: PO Box 1174, Capalaba, Queensland 4157, Australia
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +61 7 3245 1026
Design: Sharryn Rasmussen
A good friend asked me after our 3rd issue in
October 2005, “How long can you continue this magazine?
When do you think you will run out of new material?” My
answer to him was this – as End Times
commentators, we find ourselves in a position where we simply
cannot publish all the End Times information on political,
economic and religious change. It would take a magazine at least
10 times the size to do that. However, we try to print the best
selection of material that is on the cutting edge of uncovering
and teaching the prophetic elements of what is happening both
covertly and overtly in this sick world of ours.
For Australian and New Zealand readers, we enclose in this
magazine a brochure inviting you to attend the Omega Times
2nd Annual Conference which will be held at Harvest
City Church in Southport on the Gold Coast, Queensland on
31st October to 2nd November 2007. We
strongly advise you to register as this will be an exciting time
where much new material will be shared by the Omega team.
Don’t miss this! For those further afield, we will be
filming the entire Conference for DVD distribution. Editing and
Post- Production should mean a pre-Christmas delivery date.
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