Rabbi Predicts Messiah in Israel Now

The Devil is
of course evil, but he knows about the end of
things, and dreads the knowledge of that truth. The leading
Kabbalist Rabbi, Yitzchak Kaduri, says the Messiah is already
here, and that we are in the final 3½ years of the great
tribulations. The question is, does he know something or have
something to say that Christians should pay attention to?

Rabbi Kaduri
There is no doubt that the Kabala is mysticism from Babylon,
that it is in fact witchcraft. But to say that and leave it at
that would be a mistake. For one thing, to be prepared for war we
must know the strength of our enemy and have a good understanding
of his knowledge of things. I am certain the Devil knows his end
is near, and he will do any and everything to prolong his stay on
planet earth. Another thing I am certain of, he cannot do
anything contrary to the Prophetic Word of God, for God will not
be mocked.
This Rabbi, who is more involved in the Kabala than in the
Torah says, "We are now in the fourth year of what could be the
seven year Redemption period." He then goes on to state that
"Great tragedies in the world are forseen." When you read his
statements you will notice many similarities with the Word of
God. The Devil always uses God’s Word mixed with his lies
to bring his point across. He did the same thing on the Mount of
Temptation with Jesus, and uses that same tactic with each of us
to get his way in our lives if we allow him the space to do
But what is most interesting is the timing of this statement
and how it lines up with so many Biblical truths, but then mixes
in the Devil’s big lie to introduce the soon coming
anti-Christ. Because then the Rabbi says; "The Mashiach (Messiah)
is already in Israel." This will of course, play right into the
hands of the pre-tribulation believers, who will be further
deceived by this lie. For many of them will also accept this evil
one as the Messiah when the Kabala Jews of Israel accept him and
begin to build the Temple, and begin to have blood sacrifices
again as a direct insult to the Blood of Yeshua HaMashiach.
We should also know that the Devil is also subject to
God’s Will when it is all said and done. Like with the
example of Job, he had to approach the Throne of God to get
permission. Things haven’t changed and this battle was and
is first fought in the Heavens in the presence of God. We are
about to see God’s Word in regards to Israel and the rest
of the world come to pass before our eyes. Only the very elect
will see God’s hand in what is about to come on us all.
Many will be deceived and follow after the lies of the Devil and
these Kabala Rabbis.
Keep in mind that the Devil is well aware of events to come
upon us and tries his very best to deceive us into believing
things contrary to the Word of God by mixing lies with truth.
Here is a full transcript of Rabbi Kaduri’s statement as
reported by Baruch Gordon – Israel’s leading
Kabbalistic Elder, Rabbi Yitzchak Kaduri, called upon worldwide
Jewry to return to Israel due to natural disasters which threaten
to strike the world.
In a class between the Mincha (afternoon) and Maariv (evening)
prayers at his Jerusalem yeshiva seminary, Rabbi Kaduri issued
the following call: "This declaration I find fitting to issue for
all of the Jews of the world to hear. It is incumbent upon them
to return to the Land of Israel due to terrible natural disasters
which threaten the world. In the future, the Holy One, Blessed be
He, will bring about great disasters in the countries of the
world to sweeten the judgments of the Land of Israel. I am
ordering the publication of this declaration as a warning, so
that Jews in the countries of the world will be aware of the
impending danger and will come to the Land of Israel for the
building of the Temple and revelation of our righteous Mashiach
Rabbi Kaduri also stated that the upcoming year would be a
year of "secret and revelation" in the world. "This will be a
year of secret (or sod, from the letter samech) and revelation
(or v’giliu from the letter vav)."
Arutz Sheva Israel National Radio show host, Yehoshua Meiri,
first publicized the declaration on his Hebrew radio show. Meiri
typed out the words of Rabbi Kaduri’s declaration and
presented them back to the Rabbi who signed off on the
During a visit in 1990 with the late Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi
Menachem Mendel Schneerson (of blessed memory), Rabbi Kaduri was
told by the Rebbe that he would live to see the coming of the
Mashiach. Earlier this Jewish year, Rabbi Kaduri predicted great
tragedies in the world. He was quoted in the Yediot Acharonot
newspaper as saying: "We are now in the fourth year of what could
be the seven-year Redemption period, according to the calculation
of the Vilna Gaon. [However.] in the coming three years,
uncertainty about the future will hang over our heads, unless we
work and strive that the Mashiach be revealed. The Mashiach is
already in Israel. Whatever people are sure will not happen, is
liable to happen, and whatever we are certain will happen may
disappoint us. But in the end, there will be peace throughout the
world. The world is mitmatek mehadinim (or becoming sweet from
strict justice). Great tragedies in the world are foreseen,
that’s the thing of the Jews going to the East. But our
enemies will not prevail over us in the Land of Israel,
‘fear and trembling will fall upon them,’ in the
power of Torah."
Rabbi Kaduri said in the week prior to the interview, "What
can save the world from calamities is real repentance by Jews,
who must increase acts of kindness towards one another... The cry
of the many poor in Israel and the expulsion of Jews from their
homes shakes the world... It’s not for naught that this
place was hit, where many of our compatriots went to look for
worldly lusts."
Rabbi Kaduri previously told his students that the government
of Ariel Sharon would be the last one of the "old era." He is on
record as saying that Sharon will be the last prime minister in
Israel, and that the new government will already have leadership
of the Messianic era. As Olmert is now PM of Israel, this
statement has proved to be untrue, but the current government in
Israel could very well trigger the introduction of a man who
comes bringing peace, but with the hidden agenda of the
I pray that everyone who reads the above article has received
from it only the truth and not the lies of the Devil that is very
carefully seeded throughout it. But the many truths that we need
to pay attention too are also there, and soon to be seen by us
Jerry Golden
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