The Jewish Kabbalah: Root of Mideast Violence

In the aftermath of Israel’s blitz of Lebanon, banners
were lifted by pro-Hezbollah youth to the TV media. They labelled
Lebanese wreckage as: Made in America. Its true: Israel’s
F-16s, cluster bombs, and arms were supplied by America. But the
intention to use them was created deep in the heart of Talmudic
Judaism in the semi-secret Kabbalah.
What is Kabbalah? Today, "Kabbalah" makes most think
of popstars like Madonna or Britney Spears who dabble in the
occult. Actually, Kabbalah has no real relevance to Gentiles. It
is an occult theology and practice centering around the
superiority of Talmudic Jews and their predestined purpose to
dominate society. While conservatives focus on the dark side of
Islam, they take it for granted that Judaism is a benign religion
of peace and tolerance. But if we are brave enough to take a
closer look, we find a very, very different reality. Deep in the
heart of Judaism’s sacred texts lie a set of twisted and
chilling beliefs.
Two Gods in Judaism In the Old Testament, God
is a conscious moral being. He has perfect knowledge of right and
wrong, and He judges us according to our free moral choices. Yet
when the Jews were carried to distant Babylon in 587 BC by
Nebuchadnezzar, they found a very different god. They discovered
the pantheistic god of the east a world force who is great, not
because he loves or is good, but because of his pervasive power
everywhere. The ancient Pharisees liked this god because he
didn’t disapprove of their perversion of Jehovah’s
laws. The Pharisees of Babylon created an elaborate secret
theology for the Jews called Kabbalah.
Eminent Christian-Jewish historian Alfred Eidersheim comments,
"It is undeniable that already at the time of Jesus Christ,
there existed an assemblage of doctrines and speculations that
were carefully concealed from the multitude. They were not even
revealed to ordinary scholars." This kind bore the name of
Kabbala 1 In Kabbalist theology, God, called the En Sof, is
beyond rational description. He consists of the most exalted,
rarified light. LUCIFERIC… As his wavelengths descend,
they manifest themselves, according to Jewish Kabbalists, as a
most wonderful phenomenon: the Jewish people. Jews, being
semi-divine, are the rational, physical manifestations of Gods
presence in the universe. They are as indispensable to the
existence of the universe as a proton is to an atom.
Evil Gentiles Unfortunately, the wavelengths
of God continue to descend, becoming so degenerate that they
produce demons and most troubling to Israel satanic creatures
called Kliphoth, or Gentiles. The rabbinic treatise, Sepher Or
Israel, 117, recommends: Take the life of the Klipoth and kill
them, and you will please God the same as one who offers incense
to Him. 2 The Zohar, meaning brightness or light, is the
five-volume repository of Kabbalistic lore and mystic
speculation. It explains, living soul refers to Israel who have
holy, living souls from above, and cattle and creeping thing and
beast of the earth to the other peoples who are not living soul.
Bad Vibrations According to the Zohar, the
great tragedy of this world is that the Kliphoth or Gentiles
perpetually unsettle the higher levels with their evil imbalance.
As long as the Kliphoth continue to exist in their present state
of discord, God and His universe will be disordered as well. In
this concept we find a rationale for the Kabbalists hatred of
Gentiles. Christ said, "The time cometh that whosoever
killeth you will think that he doeth God service. (John 16:2) The
Kabbalist sees the extermination of the Gentile as a necessary
process toward restoring order in the universe. He teaches that
the Gentile is a form of demon who should be treated with no more
genuine benevolence than one would treat Satan himself.
Gentiles, whom the Zohar describes as Amalekites, have an
intrinsic tendency to disorder the world, causing it to revert to
its primordial state of chaos (tohu) and emptiness (bohu). All of
these [Gentiles] tend to bring the world back to the state of
tohu and bohu, and they caused the destruction of the temple. But
as tohu and bohu gave place to the light, so, when God reveals
Himself, they will be wiped off the earth. But, withal,
redemption will not be complete until Amalek will be
exterminated. 4 The People of the Earth are idolaters, and it has
been written about them: Let them be wiped off the face of the
earth. 5
Long-Suffering Israel Until the blessed day
when the Gentiles are exterminated, the Zohar says, Israel must
remain in a withered, blighted condition. This is because
Gentiles, by the confusion they stir up in the lower levels,
prevent the blessings of the Shekina (intense light Luciferic) in
the upper levels from adequately descending upon Israel. Someday,
however, things will be as they were meant and man (meaning
Israel) will be given the pre-eminence he was created to enjoy.
Then, says the Kabbalah, man should be unique and ruler over all
6 How will man conquer the world?
Rabbi Jehuda said to him Rabbi Chezkia: He is to be praised
who is able to free himself from the enemies of Israel, and the
just are much to be praised who get free from them and fight
against them. Rabbi Chezkia asked, How must we fight against
them? Rabbi Jehuda said, "By wise counsel thou shalt war
against them. (Proverbs 24:6) By what kind of war? The kind of
war that every son of man must war against his enemies. Which
Jacob used against Esau by deceit and trickery wherever possible.
They must be fought against without ceasing, until proper order
be restored. Thus it is with satisfaction that I say we should
free ourselves from them, and rule over them 7 The intention of
this passage is clear: world domination.
World Domination When Jews control the
planet, Kabbalists believe, God’s power will be manifest
through the Messiah. The Holy One, blessed be He, will display
His force, and exterminate them [Gentiles] from the world. 8 In
that day, happy will be the lot of Israel, whom the Holy One,
blessed be He, has chosen from amongst the Goyim of whom the
Scriptures say: Their work is vanity, it is an illusion at which
we must laugh; they will perish when God visits them in his
wrath. At the moment when the Holy One, blessed be He, will
exterminate all the Goyim of the world, Israel alone will subsist
even as it is written: The Lord alone will appear great on that
day. 9
Until then, the Kabbalah has a solemn mission: It is certain
that our captivity will last until the princes of the Gentiles
who worship idols are destroyed. 10 To hasten the end of
Israel’s captivity, Kabbalah recommends extermination of
Gentiles, not simply as a necessity, but as the highest religious
duty. Zohar II explains the principles of redemption of the
firstborn of an ass by offering a lamb: The ass means non-Jew,
who is to be redeemed by the offering of a lamb, which is the
dispersed sheep of Israel. But if he refuses to be redeemed, then
break his skull They should be taken out of the book of the
living 11
In the palaces of the fourth heaven are those who lamented
over Sion and Jerusalem and all those who destroyed idolatrous
nations and those who killed off people who worshipped idols are
clothed in purple garments so that they may be recognized and
honoured. 12 To the Kabbalist, even the quaint and commonplace
liturgy of the synagogue has a deep, far-reaching significance:
The feast of tabernacles is the period when Israel triumphs over
the other peoples of the world. That is why during this feast we
seize the loulab and carry it as a trophy to show that we have
conquered all the other people known as populace 13
Kabbalah Today How relevant is the Kabbalah
to modern Judaism? Although many Jews today have become so
secularized that they have forgotten most of their own beliefs,
as well as the literature which is supposed to uphold them,
observant Jews, including Conservative, Orthodox and especially
ultra-Orthodox, still consider the Kabbalah inspired by God. They
believe it stands with the Talmud as the greatest legal authority
of Judaism. In fact, passages from the Zohar are read along with
the Bible and Talmud as part of the worship service in synagogues
every Saturday.
‘The Concise History of Judaism’
describes the Zohar as "inspired Jewish writings. The
preface to the Soncino edition of the Zohar says: The Zohar
appeals to many Jews in a way that makes them regard it as the
most sacred of sacred books! For it mirrors Judaism as an
intensely vital religion of the spirit. More overpoweringly than
any other book or code, more even than the Bible, does it give to
the Jew the conviction of an inner, unseen spiritual universe an
eternal moral order. (p. 12)
The same source continues, "During the present century
there has been a distinct revival of interest in Kabbalah, and
eminent Jewish scholars have attempted to show that these
devotees of the mystic side of Jewish life and religion were not,
as is popularly supposed, half-crazy visionaries living in a
universe peopled by the figments of their own degenerate brains,
but men of intellect, scholarship and sound sense who aimed at
bringing back to Jewish organized communal life a breath of that
mystic sentiment and emotion which are the aromatic life essence
of religion, and which are indispensable to Judaism if it is to
continue to play its predestined part of bringing mankind
"under the wings of the Shekinah". (p. 25)
The Kabbalah is thought to be divinely inspired by many Jews
because, like the Talmud, it proceeded from the very hub of Jewry
the most eminent rabbis. Many of the greatest Talmudists, from
Ben Zakki and Maimonides through the numerous Baal-shems and
Talmudists of the 16th through 18th centuries, even to perhaps
the greatest rabbi in the world today, Rabbi Steinsaltz of
Jerusalem all have been initiates and practitioners of Kabbalah.
They take the Kabbalah very seriously, indeed, as the Word of
What about the Kabbalahs description of Gentiles as animals
who must be slaughtered before order can be restored? That
concept is not a minority opinion but fundamental to how Kabbalah
structures God, Israel, and the universe. Thus, we can only
assume it provides much of the motivation for the racist laws,
war crimes, and homicidal agenda of the secular government of
Israel today. After all, Orthodox, Kabbalah-venerating Judaism is
the official position of the government, religious hierarchy, and
military of Israel.
Know Your Friends There is now an
accelerating interest among conservatives and Christians in what
the Koran teaches about infidels. Many are eager to discuss how
the inner teachings of Islam’s most sacred literature might
help explain international Arab terrorism.
Yet, incredibly, the evangelical right has no interest in
similar investigations into the sacred, semi-secret teachings of
Judaism. No one is curious about how such teachings might help
explain not only Israel’s notorious mistreatment of her
Arab neighbours but also Jewish power worldwide in government,
finance, and media. This must change. Israel is in the public
domain. If Israel expects America to contribute $5 billion
annually, sustaining her as the world’s fourth greatest
military superpower, then Jews must no longer cry Anti-Semitism!
Whenever their most sacred literature, the Talmud and Zohar, are
investigated. If America is to keep from being pawned into even
greater military and public relations disasters in the Middle
East, we must have an accurate understanding of the beliefs of
those we are committed to defend. Yes, the bombs that fell on
Lebanon were made in America. But the hatred and racism behind
them were made in Israel.
1 Eidersheim, Alfred. La Societe
Juive au Temps de Jesus, p. 363, 364, with select quotes
translated by Nesta Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive
Movements, p. 10.
2 Pranaitus, Rev. I. B. The Talmud Unmasked, p.82.
3 Zohar I, Bereshith 47a, Soncino translation. This is the
authoritative five-volume English edition of the Zohar translated
by Maurice and Sperling.
4 Zohar I, Bereshith 25b.
5 Zohar I, 25a, Pranaitus.
6 Zohar I, Bereshith 47a.
7 Zohar I, Bereshith 160a, Pranaitus, p. 74-75. The Soncino
version of this passage, contained in Vol. 2, Vayeze 160a, says
the same thing but in less pointed language. Scholars of the
Hebrew and Aramaic language have translated this and other
passages of the Zohar for me from the authoritative Mantuan
edition of the Zohar, 16th century, which resides in the Judaic
section of the Library of Congress. Their conclusion is that in
the case of volatile passages the Pranaitus translations are
consistently superior to the Soncino. In such passages which
cannot be omitted, Soncino’s practice is to tone
them down by paraphrasing or omitting them entirely.
8 Zohar III, Schemoth 7 and 9b, DePauly translation. Nesta
Webster presents selected quotes in English from the French
DePauly translation of the Zohar, in her Secret Societies and
Subversive Movements. The original DePauly translation is
available in the Judaic section of the Library of Congress.
9 Zohar, Sec. Vayschlah Folio 177b, DePauly translation.
10 Zohar I, 219b, Pranaitus p. 80.
11 Zohar II, 43a.
12 Zohar I, 38b and 39a.
13 Zohar, Toldoth Noah, 63b.
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