The Different Ways God Speaks
1 |
Audibly |
A direct spoken word | Rhema |
2 |
Angelically |
An indirect word sent by an angel | Rhema |
3 |
Prophetically |
An indirect spoken word by a prophet | Rhema |
4 |
Biblically |
A quickened direct word | Rhema |
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Devotionally |
An inspirational word | Rhema |
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Instructionally |
An exhortive convicting preached word | Logos |
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Allegorically |
A message conveyed by nature as in an illustration of life | Logos |
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Consultatively |
A wise word given by counselors | Logos |
9 |
Circumstantially |
A preset conclusion from which only one message can be taken | Logos |
He who hath an ear to hear let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches
Psalm 19 and 119

Anti Logio a word that shall be spoken against Luke 2:34
Anti meaning to oppose logio meaning word, so an ‘anti logio’ is an opposing word e.g. negative word or undermining word, even an accusing word that opposes or undermines your foundation or assurance of truth.
Hence the phrase in Psalms 11:2 The froward man (one sitting in secret who with subterfuge seeks to destroy your confidence through negativity) sits in secret. He loads his arrows (or demeaning words) into his bow and shoots at the upright in heart. If the foundation therefore be destroyed then how shall the righteous stand. It is saying that the enemy wants to bring us down so he demeans us using negative, undermining words which rip the mat of confidence or the foundation of truth upon which we stand out from beneath our feet. The result then being, confused we are no longer confident or sure of what we believe and then we can no longer remain standing but inevitably we will fall.
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