PharmaMedia to Squelch EU Council's Secret Investigation into H1N1 Vaccine Fraud and Global Genocide
By Sherri Kane
The PACE hearing currently advancing was prompted by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, chief of health in the Council of Europe representing 47 countries. This inquiry will address the drug cartel's "false flag" pandemic, and the WHO's scandalous promotions of swine flu vaccinations that were "fast tracked," inadequately tested, and now causing more harm than good.

"As head of the subcommittee for health," Dr. Wodarg reported from his home in Germany, "I made the motion. and there will be investigations. . . .
"Many countries in Europe are very angry about what the WHO did and how they decided to have a pandemic when there was just a mild flu; and this whole thing was in favor of those companies who had prepared the pandemic plans, and who only needed the judgment of the WHO to have them set in power, and to earn them money," Dr. Wodarg explained.
Global pandemic promoters used frightful messages to convince scientists, doctors, and global populations that pandemic H1N1 threatened to kill millions. Instead, the virus caused only a tiny fraction of deaths reported during a normal flu season.
PharmaMedia to Squelch Crimes
Many observers believe the urgently needed investigation is unlikely to make any significant difference in public perceptions since drug industrialists have a knack for steering their allies in the media clear of controversy; especially this kind of explosive scandal.
"PharmaMedia controls the mass mind more effectively than any covert psychological operation in world history," said Dr. Leonard Horowitz, a Harvard-trained media expert and world leading vaccine risk analyst. Dr. Horowitz is also the Editor-in-Chief of Medical Veritas journal.
Few people realize the connections between major drug companies that produce H1N1 vaccines and media moguls on the boards of directors of BigPharma's leading companies.
According to Dr. Horowitz, media moguls spin the news and mass mindset impacting geopolitics, economics, and governmental policies on behalf of BigPharma because they are heavily invested in the drug cartel. News blackouts and promotional propaganda are all that is needed to maintain the status quo in favor of ongoing fraud and mass murder. This is his conclusion based on rock solid evidence his colleagues and contributors have published in the peer review science journal Medical Veritas.
What if Dr. Wodarg, Dr. Horowitz, and the Health Minister of Poland, Dr. Ewa Kopacz, who rejected the vaccine hype and sales contracts because of the obvious fraud, are all right?
Who Ordered the Shortage Marketing?
To diagnose this surreal tragedy accurately, one need only consider the source of the shortage marketing directive. There was a dramatic orchestrated change in global media promotions the third week of October. Investigators must ponder why adequate supplies of vaccines widely acknowledged before October 16, 2009, suddenly disappeared following a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) meeting on this subject held in New York on this date.
The "H1N1 Pandemic Study Group" meeting was led by Laurie Garrett--a noted journalist whose works exemplify PharmaMedia's methods of conducting white collar bio-terrorism and psychological warfare. Her messages, like other authors "selected" for media stardom, create markets and stimulate sales for the petrochemical-pharmaceutical cartel, especially through lucrative sales of vaccines and drugs following frights.
Garrett's study group decided that the most effective response to the public's overwhelming aversion to getting vaccinated was to feign a vaccine shortage. One week later, the media, led by Thomas Glocer's Reuters News Service and Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation, suddenly declared the alleged shortages.
It turns out that Murdoch, directing most powerfully the influential media, including Fox News, the Associated Press (AP), Twentieth Century Fox, Time Warner, and much more, controls the Murdoch Children’s' Research Institute (MCRI) in Australia, responsible for the first H1N1 Swine flu tests on children 6 months to 8 years of age.
Murdoch's son, and heir apparent, James, the Chairman and Chief Executive of News Corporation for Europe and Asia, is an overseer of GlaxoSmithKline's Board of Directors. They are one of six companies that make H1N1 vaccines.
Rupert's mother, Elisabeth Murdoch, is the grand matriarch of the Royal Victoria Women's Hospital in Melbourne. Its staff collaborated with CSL Pharmaceuticals, another H1N1 vaccine maker. CSL is owned by Merck & Co. They used flawed testing methods on pregnant women, doctors say. Their safety tests lacked legitimate placebo controls and evaded long-term surveillance and data collection. The missing data prevented credible scientific analysis. Thus, BigPharma had nothing to substantiate their liberally-issued safety assurances. In other words, PharmaMedia conducted an obvious case of scientific fraud and public deception for vaccine market proliferation.
Thomas Glocer, the CEO of Reuters, is also on the Board of Directors of Merck & Co., and a partner with Rupert Murdoch in the Partnership for New York City that personifies the heart of this drug ring. The partners profitably advance biotechnology and "genetopharmaceuticals" globally, more than any other consortium.
This PFNYC was founded by David Rockefeller who controls the CFR and World Health Organization (WHO). Rockefeller-approved Co-Chairs of the PFNYC include Rupert Murdoch and Lloyd Blankfein, the chief of Goldman Sachs who financed the merger of Med Immune and Astrozeneca, producers of FLUMIST--the nasal spray H1N1 vaccine. Blankfein holds millions, perhaps billions, of dollars of the company's stock.
"Now these unholy alliances have yet to be acknowledged adequately because these H1N1 vaccine investors have zero reason to expose themselves," Dr. Horowitz said. "So regardless of what PACE investigators find, these PFNYC partners will either spin their stories suitably, or neglect them entirely, leaving populations clueless about what is really happening behind BigPharma's deceptive media."
"The goal of our work," Dr. Wordarg revealed, "is to re instill trust into very important health organizations we need--such organizations who will cooperate internationally, and who are important in the network of international knowledge about possible health dangers."
"But this influenza was twice blown up," the German medical chief continued, "once as a bird flu, and the second time as the swine flu. There was no scientific evidence for either."
Genetic Mutation Risking Human Extinction

The most urgent troublesome investigation to be conducted by PACE, and the least likely story to be told by PharmaMedia, involves the FLUMIST vaccine. It transmits "live" "active" unstable viruses--clones of H1N1; mutants created in drug labs--that are passed from vaccinated persons to others not infected. These transmissions risk genetic mutations all along the way.
"Stupid is as stupid does," said Rev. Roxanne Hampton, referring to the gullible people who consented to get vaccinated and now pose a risk to their family, community, and even the entire human race due to the genetic mutation risks.
As a legislative aid in Hawaii who helped the Big Island's County Council investigate the H1N1 vaccine hype and its risks, Rev. Hampton has advised government attorneys of the fraud committed by local health officials. "I pray they will take action similar to the investigation that PACE is advancing in Europe," she added.
Other experts report that recombination’s of H1N1 are expected with more deadly viruses in circulation. Even human DNA risks mutations from infections with bioengineered H1N1s. These risks threaten civilization with extinction according to many avid investigators, doctors, and concerned scientists.
Vaccine truth activist Ingri Cassel of Vaccination Liberation Organization (www.VacLib.org) claims that vaccines were born in fraud and have been laying the foundation for sick and diseased populations ever since.
"New vaccines on the market are claimed to be more sterile, laboratory tested and safer," Ms. Cassel said. "Nothing can be further from the truth. All vaccines are mutagenic by nature--including the highly unstable triple recombinant vaccines--which are changing our genetic code. When one looks at the whole picture, vaccines represent an attack on our God-given right to natural immunity and genetic integrity. This genocidal madness needs to be halted and the real criminals--vaccine manufacturers and their promoters--held accountable."
Medimmune and other pharmaceutical companies have recalled millions of doses of vaccines in recent weeks, including FLUMIST nasal spray due to its alleged "inadequate shelf life." But critics assert this is a distraction given the aforementioned risks of genetic annihilation. There are more pressing problems including increasing sterilization, Ms. Cassel reports.
"I have an eye on this," Dr. Wodarg said, considering the many outspoken doctors and activists who have written objections and public alerts about genetic threats of H1N1 vaccinations.
"There will be more in France, and there will be more perhaps in Australia and Switzerland. The Polish people have been very critical to vaccinations. They didn't buy these vaccines. The health minister of Poland has a public health background. She's a doctor, and Poland is the only country that said no to WHO, and didn't follow the pandemic frenzy. They didn't buy the vaccines because they thought they were too dangerous."
Oversupplies Trouble Governments
According to European news sources, because the vast majority of world villagers have refused these vaccines, governments cannot dispose of their stockpiles. They literally cannot give away the H1N1 vaccines that cost billions of dollars to purchase just a few months ago during the feigned emergency.
So health officials have also been pitching their excessive vaccine stocks more suspiciously and aggressively to broader markets.
On Friday, January 15, USA Today evidenced health officials resorting to media blitzes alleging the need for follow-up injections. The weak yet risky first doses of H1N1 vaccines taken by millions of people are inadequate alone, they warned, for protection against a virus admittedly causing less than 6 percent of the fatalities from a normal seasonal flu.
According to the Murdoch-AP-influenced Hawaii Star Bulletin, the H1N1 vaccines are now being offered to everyone. The plentiful injectables are now suitable for even low risk groups, health officials claim.
The determination of "risk groups" came from supposed reported cases collected by the CDC early in the pandemic. Later it was learned that their data was overblown by 84-97% according to a CBS News investigation widely publicized in late October, 2009. Thus, there is no good reason to assume the risk groups were identified legitimately.
Dr. Horowitz, who was the first investigator in the world to declare the alleged H1N1 pandemic was a scam, balked at the risk of vaccinating pregnant women with mercury preserved formulas. "Vaccinations," he noted, "have traditionally been elective procedures for pregnant women respecting sensitive rapidly-growing fetal nerves."
Neurotoxic mercury affects fetal neurology most powerfully, researchers say. Infant growth and development, and neurobehavioral disorders including autism, are risked by Thimerosal mercury-laced injections.

"We are up to about 200 women who have had H1N1 vaccine-triggered spontaneous abortions according to records we are mailing to American legislators," said Eileen Dannemann, Director of the National Coalition of Organized Women (NCOW). NCOW is calling for an official American investigation in step with the European Parliament's Council.
Spontaneous abortions are being reported to NCOW daily, Ms. Dannemann reported, "And this is only by word-of-mouth, without word getting out in the media. We've asked grieving moms to contact us to file their reports."
CDC officials admit they collect only about 10% of vaccine injuries. They call these "adverse events." Spontaneous abortions are included. So if our current count is nearly 200, and this represents only about 10%, the actual miscarriages to date number, very conservatively, approximately a thousand."
With such high numbers of terminated pregnancies, for all we know the addition of abortifacients into H1N1 vaccines, ingredients that cause spontaneous miscarriages, evidences a population control exercise. Previously considered "unspeakable," this is now possible since leading vaccine industrialists, and chief health officials, including Barack Obama's Science Czar, John Holdren, endorse and finance the Population Council whose efforts advance rapid widespread depopulation using vaccinations for sterilization. Holdren wrote about this in his 1977 co-authored book, EcoScience, and this was done in the past with vaccines poisoned with HCG, a female pregnancy hormone.
The Population Council also tested and licensed RU-486, the "abortion pill," sadistically named to refer to the slang question, "Are you for 86-ing (trashing) life?" Dr. Horowitz notes.

Adding to the public's distrust of governing health officials, in Hawaii, Director of Public Health, Chiyome Fukino, who is a defendant in a lawsuit filed by Philadelphia attorney Phil Berg for concealing evidence required to certify President Barack Obama's official birth certificate, falsely testified to legislators last year that H1N1 vaccines were adequately tested.
Fukino alleged some magic "threshold" of "herd immunity" determined that unvaccinated persons pose a "serious threat" to vaccinated people. Due to her fraudulent claims, State attorneys have been asked by County of Hawaii Council Co-chair, Emily Naeole-Beason, to investigate Dr. Fukino for fraud, official malfeasance, and genocidal malpractices.
Strict whistleblower statutes criminalize false claims made to governing officials costing governments millions of dollars for vaccines and drugs fraudulently promoted. Fukino purchased millions of dollars of Tamiflu and FLUMIST for the State. Now she may face criminal charges pending an official investigation
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