United Nations HA, won’t be anything I unite with,…..sick bunch of Unscrupulous Non – Godly pieces of filth. I have posted two links to two articles below that should make […]

The Omega Times
United Nations HA, won’t be anything I unite with,…..sick bunch of Unscrupulous Non – Godly pieces of filth. I have posted two links to two articles below that should make […]
This is the revised segment, the final of the series on the star sign appearing less than a week away on 23rd Sept 2017, as mentioned on the Omega times […]
This revised version of this former article is resubmitted to explain and correct some of the intricate anomalies that were unwisely permitted in the former submission. This particular segment of […]
There are many verses through out scripture that confirm and reinforce what I am teaching here in this series of articles, this being part 2. The revelation of Biblical truth […]
This particular article will not only require greater attention and diligence by way of explanation but also a more intense effort to fine descriptive detail. To translate it or intelligently […]
Looking over my historical files and records in order to see just how things have progressed in such a short time , I came across an article written by New […]
You know the old adage “United we stand divided we fall” well never before, as far as I can observe, has the church of Jesus Christ been so divided. There […]
I personally find it very frustrating when talking to so called learned minds, as they simply can not accept that there is a benevolent God that watches over his creation, […]
Raised in a Christian home and spending many hours in Church like a lot of us, I have received an education that has been largely influenced unfortunately by man and […]
I remember when this so called great new idea and way of communicating was announced on the TV news back around 2005. As I listened to the news reporter going […]