Letters to the Editor Letters to the Editor BIBLE CODES Do you have any views or opinions regarding the Bible code? Is the word of God encrypted in the Torah […]

The Omega Times
Letters to the Editor Letters to the Editor BIBLE CODES Do you have any views or opinions regarding the Bible code? Is the word of God encrypted in the Torah […]
Majoring on Minors Majoring on minors – An explanation of Keys in music Funeral music is often in the minor key. Heathen music and wailing is often in the minor. […]
Deceit in the Vatican Deceit in the Vatican It is an absolute fact that God dearly loves EVERY Catholic. After all, He went to the Cross on their behalf. Nor […]
13 Month Moon Calendar 13 Month Moon Calendar – Rationalization and eradication of all things Christian It has been said everything is changing. If people are taking comedians seriously and […]
Whose God is He Anyway? Whose God is He Anyway? A civilisation is born, reaches its maturity, and dies. This is the pattern of history. So it was with the […]
News Briefs News Briefs PHONE IMPLANTS Nanotechnology will make mobile phones tiny enough to be imbedded under the skin, making the device subdermal except for the earpiece. Keypad would either […]
Darwin’s Bankrupt Theory Darwin’s Bankrupt Theory In the last 50 years in particular, we have seen the rise of Darwinism and the propagation of the Theory of Evolution overtake the […]
A Fish from Another Time A Fish from Another Time – The Coelocanth Biologists, through archeological research, identified fossils of a primitive fish called the Coelocanth which by their investigation […]
Mind Emails Mind Emails Amid health authority warnings on the dangers of young people being overexposed to radiation from mobile phones, the Education Department in NZ is wrestling with students’ […]
Political Powerplays Political Powerplays The public is very much unaware of the seriousness of issues concerning the cashless society and also the degree to which the technology relating to identification […]