Satanic Symbols
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It seems that every organization
today has its own identifier
or symbol, usually shown as a graphic based logo which appears on
equipment, transport, buildings, manufactured products,
advertising, and everything else that can be personalized.
Unfortunately, that trend also applies to less acceptable
organizations around the world as well.
These logos or insignia are now de rigour in religious,
spiritual and political groups. As we live out these "last of the
last days" we have seen a proliferation of devices which have
come into general use but are nothing less than demonic.
The purpose of this article is to inform and educate as many
Christians as possible of the meaning behind each one we
illustrate, and to emphasize the dangers of wearing these logos
or devices if you are thinking of purchasing T Shirts, jewellery,
giftware or other items with these symbols. For the Christian,
the possession or display of such a device is idolatry, whether
done inadvertently or on purpose, because it clearly breaks the
second commandment of the Ten Commandments revealed in Exodus 20:3-5
In my possession are 2 catalogues of "Christian Jewellery"
which are currently being offered to Book and Gift shops around
the world. Some of these items appear in them.
Unfortunately limited space allows only a brief description of
each symbol.

The rainbow has become the symbol of the New Age movement
symbolizing the building of a bridge between Lucifer and mankind.
This rips-off God's powerful sign in the rainbow that no flood
would occur again. Look for reverse colour order or just 3- 6
colours only.

Symbolizes the existence of invisible energy lines called
"Ch'i". This energy is controlled by Ying & Yang, two
opposites yet with harmonizing ability. So we have positive,
negative; male, female; light, dark; good, evil etc. This belief
comes from Taoist religion and teaching, and is therefore

This is familiar as the all-seeing eye of Lucifer which
appears in the capstone of the US $1 bill. This symbol is freely
used in New Age and Masonic circles, by the Illuminati, and even
appears on the altar wall of the Catholic Church of the
Annunciation in Nazareth! Particularly dangerous as the eye is
stylized into innocent looking jewellery as illustrated.

The universal symbol of Masonry. Although denied by them, this
is a religious group, and because the holy book of every religion
is accepted equally with the Bible, this clearly labels them as
idolators because they break the second Commandment.

The Ankh is the Egyptian symbol of life and fertility and is a
powerful occult device. Unbelievably, this device often appears
in catalogues of jewellery offered by Christian manufacturers to
Christian retail stores! The trap is that it looks for all the
world like a stylised cross but it is anything but that.

Although adopted by the Jews as the Star of David, it was also
used by the Egyptians as an unholy icon. The hexagram is one of
the most potent icons for calling up evil forces. The hexagram
figures prominently in Tarot. It is also the symbol behind
putting a "hex" on someone.

This Cross of Nero represents an upside down crucifixion.
Roman soldiers carried this symbol when they destroyed Jerusalem
in AD70. Saracens and Russian Bolsheviks have used it, and the
Communists branded Jews and Gypsies with it.

This 5 pointed star enclosed in a circle is held to be a
highly magical symbol. If inverted it becomes the goats head
symbol of Satanism. The illustrated goats head inside the star is
an additional device to call up demons. Either way, the Pentacle
or inverted Pentagram have no place in Christian hands.

This is the symbol worn by the murderous Secret Service of
Nazi Germany. In Greek mythology, this symbol represents a
thunderbolt (destruction) from Zeus, another false god. The
broken "S" represents the bearer having power over others. No
wonder Hitler adopted it as a symbol for the Secret Service -
it’s prime evidence of Hitler's fascination and embracement
of Satanism.

This is a stylized cross which looks innocuous enough, but it
represents the Egyptian God Osiris, and is the cross of the
slain. This symbol appears on the uniform of the 33rd degree
Sovereign Grand Pontiff of masonry.

This symbol appears on the Satanic Bible and is the official
logo of Anton La Vey's First Church of Satan in San Francisco,
USA. They claim this device has the power to destroy one's
enemies. Take note carefully of this design before you buy any
jewellery in future. Possessing this symbol is highly

The holy Cross with an upside down question mark attached to
the bottom. The question mark blatently questions Jesus Divinity
Many contemporary rock groups flaunt the satanic cross The Romans
first used this symbol to question the truth of Christianity.
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