From the Editor
to the very first edition of a new-look, full colour
Omega Times. Brian Hay and myself, together with Andrew
Smith, are excited at the prospects of increasing and enhancing
an End Times ministry that had its genesis in meetings first held
by Barry Smith some 35 years ago.
The move towards an annual subscription will allow us to
present a magazine which is bigger, better, brighter and
published more frequently than before, with the very best in
up-to-date inside information on the political, economic,
religious and prophetic events and happenings in these last of
the Last Days. You will be amazed at the new information we have
to share with you.
Omega Times direction will not change, but we will be
regularly devoting space to upholding Bible teaching and Bible
truth. The Bible is not revered today as it was in the days when
Brother Barry Smith began his ministry. This disrespect and
dishonour for the literal truth of the Word has even filtered
into the Church itself, playing into the hands of those that
propagate the humanist and evolutionist lie.
Because of this, we will teach and defend the Word, to provide
a safe and strong platform to educate, warn and reveal End Times
prophecies and events. This we must do, for if one believes the
Bible is flawed, then our End Times ministry is of no value.
We welcome letters to the Editor, and we will publish as many
of these as possible. Thank you for joining us on a new part of
an old vision – an eyeopening journey toward the second
advent of our Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ Himself. May God
bless you as we take that journey together.
We have taken a big step of faith in taking Omega Times into
what we hope is a bigger and brighter future. In doing so, we can
only sustain that move by the much-appreciated support of our
subscribers. If you have been a past subscriber, we thank you for
your support. If you are new, we welcome you aboard. If you like
what you see, tell your friends. Read on and enjoy!
Allan Rasmussen
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