Homosexual Onslaught Homosexual Onslaught The U.S. House of Representatives will soon vote on HR 254 which will create new special rights for homosexuals under the guise of enhancing law enforcement. […]

The Omega Times
Homosexual Onslaught Homosexual Onslaught The U.S. House of Representatives will soon vote on HR 254 which will create new special rights for homosexuals under the guise of enhancing law enforcement. […]
Sickness in the Church Sickness in the Church After forty years in the ministry of the Church of Jesus Christ my wife and I have seen and concluded several things, […]
They said it… They said it… Let me tell you something that we Israelis have against Moses. He took us 40 years through the desert in order to bring us […]
Newsbriefs Newsbriefs HUMAN FOOD FROM CLONES Cloned animals have now been declared safe for food and food products. Super-sized cows are now being cloned and are giving up to ten […]
Confronting the Cults – The Exclusive Brethren Confronting the Cults – The Exclusive Brethren The Exclusive Brethren are a Christian-centred religious cult, sometimes called Darbyites, after John Darby, who separated […]
Project Monarch Project Monarch From the beginning of time, there has been a powerful desire within corrupt and evil men to control and direct the lives and souls of others. […]
Rockefeller Conspiracy Rockefeller Conspiracy The ruling Elite are becoming so brazen that previous hidden agendas are now being aired without fear of reprisal. Why? Because the church of Jesus Christ, […]
13 Banking Families of the Illuminati 13 Banking Families of the Illuminati Just over a year ago I wrote an article on the Illuminati, and it seems the right time […]
Purpose Driven Deception – Part 2 Purpose Driven Deceiption – Part 2 We began last issue by revealing that Rick Warren has publicly confessed to having been a member of […]
The Glorification of Immorality The Glorification of Immorality Lasciviousness – inclined to lustfulness; wanton; lewd, arousing sexual desire: indicating sexual interest or expressive of lust or lewdness Galatians 5:19-21 “Now […]